Monday, December 28, 2009

What sort of jobs will there be in the future?

Over the holidays I got a chance to speak to some of my nieces and nephews about their struggles in the job market. I also read a couple of articles about how jobs are changing. It makes me wonder what sort of jobs will there be by the time my 16 year old finishes college (assuming he goes). And how can he prepare for a career that can't be predicted? Some jobs will always exists sure, we will always need nurses, doctors, and fast food clerks but will most IT jobs go overseas like the manufacturing jobs have? Will there be electrical engineering jobs in the US or will they move overseas too?

I have no idea what courses my son should even take because I have no idea what jobs will still exist (and pay well) by the time he finishes college. I do know the US better do something to start keeping jobs here, because this sort of chaos will just drag the economy further down.

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