Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Perfume and scents - Please stop bathing in them

I am sensitive to perfumes, they make my nose run and give me a headache. I work with several other people who are even more sensitive to scents, they get migraines. Meanwhile we have several people in our building that absolutely reek of perfume or other scents. People who have an extreme habit of putting on so much perfume that it makes my eyes water just to be near them.

Please stop.

Bathing in perfume will not make you pretty, it makes you reek. A shower every day makes you clean. Some unscented deodorant will keep you from smelling bad after you have sweated a bit. That is all you need. Dumping a ton of perfume on afterward just makes you smell bad in a different way.

I have several friends that use light scents and that doesn't bother me, so it isn't that I am just hyper-sensitive to perfume. I have spoken to them about this topic and they agree it isn't just me being sensitive, the people in question reek of perfume. I wonder what causes people to do this? Insecurity about themselves or have they just lost all sense of smell?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A combination of insecurity and olfactory exhaustion.

I wear lavender. I can't smell it at all -- I have been wearing it for too long. But I rarely use more than a drop because I know it smells very strong to other people.

I hope I don't make your nose run or give you a headache.
