Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ignoring problems

People have a habit of not solving problems until they have to. This is rarely a good idea because when the pressure is on the best possible solution is rarely chosen, and yet people continually put problems off to the future. I have never understood why.

Some problems can't be solved until they happen because some factors will be unknown or uncertain until the problem occurs. Some problems are best left without a final solution until they happen because there is a possibility some new fact or solution may occur before the problem happens. But in both cases at least some thought and decisions can be arrived at well before the problem occurs. By totally ignoring a problem until it happens you have given up your chance to do that forward thinking that may mean the difference between a bad solution and a good one.

Sometimes I think peoples desire to ignore problems is simple laziness, other times I think it is because they fear confrontation. I am sure they are many opinions including some that think that ignoring problems is the most efficient way to handle them. I myself disagree. I solve or at least try to solve problems before they happen. Forward thinking has saved me a lot of grief, I don't understand why others have not chosen the same route I have.

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