Friday, January 1, 2010

The importance of understanding others

I like reading science fiction because it provides an opportunity to see other points of view. Similarly I enjoy talking to people about their points of view and beliefs. At least usually I enjoy it, sitting through a lecture on why their opinion is the right one because it just is isn't any fun so I avoid those situations when I can. But I like to learn about different viewpoints and I think it is important to do so. I think the world would be a much better place to live if people put more effort into understanding others rather than trying to force their own viewpoints down other peoples throats.

I don't really understand the reasoning that led to the crusades. Forcing people to accept your religion seems counterproductive and self contradictory. I don't really understand the people that blow themselves up to kill others that don't believe as they do. And perhaps more relevant, I don't understand those that want laws in place to force people to act as they think they should act. Oh, I understand the reasoning behind laws like public nudity, we need to have some basic agreement on what is acceptable public behavior. But I don't understand laws about things people do in private. Why ban gay marriage? If only consenting adults are involved why do we have any marriage laws? I don't understand why people feel the need to force people to conform to their expectations when they are out of their sight and what they do has no affect on others. This need to control others seems very unhealthy, yet very pervasive throughout human history. It is strange.

In this new year try to be open to other peoples viewpoints. And try not to care about what they do in private. We need more understanding in this world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always