Sunday, January 31, 2010

Communication difficulties

I try very hard not to offend the sensibilities of others, but often fail. Usually when I know a specific person well enough I usually know what subjects they will and will not speak of and what will offend them, but with some people I never learn where the limits are. And of course sometimes I forget and cross the line or discuss a subject that I should have known would offend them, but I got too carried away to remember.

I am fairly open minded and have no problems discussing subjects that others have problems with. At least when I am speaking at the academic level and not at a personal level. And I have no problem making jokes on topics others consider taboo. The problem is I always have to remember who I am talking to (or who is listening) and speak accordingly. This is a very, very difficult thing for me. It is difficult to speak freely with one group of people and yet remember to speak very guardedly with another.

I don't know how the rest of you do it. I know of several free thinkers or alternative lifestylers (is that a word? well it is now) who have no problems speaking to various groups without offending others. Of course I know a few others who really don't care if the listeners get offended, they bull on anyway.

I try to be considerate and try not to offend others, but I do like to explore subjects which many people find uncomfortable to discuss. I try my best to balance, but often wish I could do a better job.

1 comment:

Misti said...

I sometimes have trouble with that, too, Mark. I think maybe it has to do with how much one really cares what other people think. Sometimes I care more than others, and then I don't have trouble not speaking out of turn...but I do have trouble thinking of anything to say.