Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spelling and grammar

What do they teach kids in school now? I have never been the worlds best speller but I do read a lot and I have spell check built into my browser so spelling isn't a problem for me. But I see a lot of posts on the internet that are spelled horribly. Now I am not talking about things like "prolly" where they have spelled the word "probably" wrong just to be cool. I am talking about things like "naver used". Really? How can you misspell "never"? It is a common word.

Grammar of course varies a lot from area to area but many times I have seen posts that didn't even make sense. Posts where nobody could make out even the general topic of the post. And yes I checked, these are people inside the USA not people using a second language.

I have to put it down to laziness. With built in spell check and online dictionaries available anybody can be a decent speller. But these people should have learned something from school. Maybe the world has always had a certain percentage of poor spellers and people who can't make understandable sentences but now the internet lets everybody see them instead of them being hidden in obscure low paying jobs. I don't know.

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