Friday, September 30, 2011

Marriage contracts

I just read a news article saying Mexico City is considering time limited marriage contracts with the time being as little as two years. When you start the contract you decide how to split money and children, and if you don't renew the contract you are automatically divorced.

I like the idea, mainly because it forces people to make the tough decisions up front instead of arguing and having to spend a lot of money on lawyers. Will it be good for society? Who knows. The fighting and such that goes with a split up will probably continue but at least this would keep it out of the courts. And maybe people would have a more realistic idea of marriage when they are forced to make the tough decisions about children and money up front.


Misti said...

It makes sense to me. Pagans have had a similar arrangement forever. (Usually for a year and a day.)

Unknown said...

It makes sense to me to. I think it would prepare people for divorce better by forcing them to think in advance of the event. It also would point out arguments about money and such that might prevent some bad marriages from happening.