- A man killed by his two dogs, which had attacked people before but he was able to convince the courts to let him keep them.
- A woman killed while working with a killer whale that had previously killed two people.
- A man killed by his pet bull (yes, a pet bull) that had broken his ribs the previous year.
- A four year old girl killed by a family dog one week after the other family dog had been taken away for biting an adult.
If a person wants to keep a large and dangerous animal as a pet that is certainly their privilege. But often these animals kill or maim others. Certainly it wasn't the four year old girls decision that killed her, it was her parents decision to keep the dog that killed her. The man who was killed by his own dogs went to court and fought to keep them after they had attacked others.
So while it is certainly within the rights of somebody to own a large and dangerous animal it is rarely *wise* to own such an animal, and it is often dangerous to others because the owners do not take proper precautions to ensure that others are not injured.
Every year I see these reports of people's pets attacking others and each year I hope that maybe this year people will figure it out and make wiser decisions. So far I have been disappointed.